Number of Issues 60
Number of Articles 557
Number of Contributors 715
Article View 616,813
PDF Download 429,962
View Per Article 1107.38
PDF Download Per Article 771.92
Number of Submissions 1,624
Rejected Submissions 932
Reject Rate 57
Accepted Submissions 558
Acceptance Rate 34
Average number of weeks between article submission & publication 24
Number of Indexing Databases 10

The Journal of Agricultural Economics & Development has been publishing quarterly since 2007 (4 issues per year).

This journal welcomes valuable research papers by researchers in various fields of agricultural economics, including agricultural marketing and agribusiness management, agricultural policy and development, natural resource economics, and environmental economics. 

In this journal, articles can be reviewed in types of Research and in two languages: Persian or English.

Q1 Quartile  and Impact Factor in ISC Institute in 2023: 0.386

Impact Factor in ISC Institute in 2022: 0.234

Impact Factor in ISC Institute in 2021: 0.214

Last site Update: 09 March 2024

Current Issue: Volume 38, Issue 1 - Serial Number 62, March 2024, Pages 1-139 

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