Volume 38 (2024)
Volume 37 (2023)
Volume 36 (2022)
Volume 35 (2021)
Volume 34 (2020)
Volume 33 (2019)
Volume 32 (2018)
Volume 31 (2017)
Volume 30 (2016)
Volume 29 (2015)
Volume 28 (2014)
Volume 27 (2013)
Volume 25 (2011)
Volume 24 (2010)
Volume 23 (2009)
Volume 22 (2008)
Research Article
Estimating Rate of Return on the Research and Development investment in the Iranian Agricultural Sector

A. Bagherzadeh; A. Komijani

Volume 26, Issue 2 , June 2012, Pages 79-85


  Nowadays, agricultural R&D provides new and developed technologies to create modern agricultural producing methods. This paper investigates the relationship between TFP, domestic agricultural R&D, and foreign agricultural R&D during 1979 – 2009 by using Almon lag models. The results indicate that agricultural ...  Read More

Research Article
The impact of government expenditure on the overall economic growth and the growth of the Agricultural Sector in Iran Economic Growth in Iran

M.R. Lotfalipour; Y. Azarinfar; R. Mohammadzadeh

Volume 26, Issue 2 , June 2012, Pages 86-96


  Considering the importance of the agriculture sector in Iran, this study investigated factors affecting economic growth and development of the agriculture sector in Iran over the period of 1967-2009 for short term and long term, using ARDL model. The results showed that the ratios of public investment ...  Read More

Research Article
Canola Growers’ Educational Needs Assessment in Zebarkhan County of Neyshabour Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge Integration

M. Shahvali; L. Shahmorad

Volume 26, Issue 2 , June 2012, Pages 97-105


  In the recent years, increasing demand for products such as protein-rich meals and oilseeds has caused the food basket to shift towards the proteins and fats consumption. This change has been happening in Iran too. Shortage in oilseed productions has been a serious problem in Iran. To overcome the problem, ...  Read More

Research Article
A welfare Analysis of the Government Interventions in the Wheat Market and Its Influence on the Barley Market in Iran, using a Game Theoretic approach

S.H.A. Mosavi; M. Bakhshoode; S. Azhdari

Volume 26, Issue 2 , June 2012, Pages 106-116


  Iran achieved its self-sufficiency goal in wheat production a few years ago. Some opponents argue that the increased wheat production has happened at the expense of decreasing other grains specially barley. Considering the dependency of wheat and barley markets on each other, the study estimates policy ...  Read More

Research Article
A Survey on the EfficientyEfficiency of Greenhouse Cucumber: using the approach of Using Interval Data Envelopment Analysis

M. Babaei; F. Rastegaripour; M. Sabouhi

Volume 26, Issue 2 , June 2012, Pages 117-125


  Analyzing the efficiency of agricultural productions plays an important role in raising their productions and performances without spending extra cost. In this studyThis study evaluated were the interval evaluated e fficiency and no efficiency of interval for greenhouseof greenhouse cucumber producers ...  Read More

Research Article
A Study of the business and development level associated with Job Skills of Agricultural Applied-Scientific Students of West Azerbaijan Province of Iran

N. Leis; M. Cheizari; A. Rezvanfar; E. Abasi

Volume 26, Issue 2 , June 2012, Pages 126-133


  Agricultural applied-scientific education that develops the practical skills of students to getter with theoretical education can development of job skills take steps with development of job skills in educational programs in reinforcing the specification, abilities and skills of students. The aim of ...  Read More

Research Article
Economic Pricing of Water in Agriculture using Ramsey Approach

A. Falahatti; K. Sohaili; M. Vahedi

Volume 26, Issue 2 , June 2012, Pages 134-140


  The serious obstacles to improve water supply, has caused world debates, seeking some solutions to tackle the problem of shortages in water supply. t. Therefore, programs and policies have focused mainly on appropriate pricing approachof. Since the water industry in Iran has been monopolized by the ...  Read More

Research Article
Investigating Importance of Iran and Main Country’s market, Namely Soybean Importer Goal Countries and Soybean Production Relation with this State

A. Amjadi; H. Rafiee; N. Moghaddas

Volume 26, Issue 2 , June 2012, Pages 141-149


  According to amount of oil seeds import in Iran are more than 80% of domestic needs, in this study, import comparative advantage in soybeans using RCA and RSCA index is calculated in 1961-2008 periods for Iran and ten important importer countries. Iran’s Competition state is investigated. Also long ...  Read More