نوع مقاله : مقالات پژوهشی


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این پژوهش با هدف آگاهی از نوع اشتغال دانش آموختگان علمی کاربردی کشاورزی و تحلیل عوامل موثر برآن انجام شده است. متغیر وابسته تحقیق، نوع اشتغال است که شامل پنج طبقه: مشاغل مرتبط دولتی، غیر مرتبط دولتی، مرتبط خصوصی، غیر مرتبط خصوصی و جویای کار است. متغیرهای مستقل شامل جنسیت، سهمیه پذیرش در دانشگاه، میزان علاقه‌مندی به رشته تحصیلی، میزان هدایت شغلی در دوران تحصیل، رضایت از رشته تحصیلی، ارزیابی مهارت‌های حرفه‌ای و آموزشی کسب شده در دانشگاه، ارزیابی فرهنگ کار در جامعه و ارزیابی از نداشتن سرمایه می‌باشد. جامعه آماری کلیه دانش آموختگان دانشگاه علمی کاربردی کشاورزی و نمونه مورد نظر تعداد 167 نفر از دانش‌آموختگان مرکز آموزش علمی کاربردی جهادکشاورزی مشهد می‌باشند که در سال1391 جهت دریافت مدرک تحصیلی مراجعه کرده‌اند. ابزار جمع‌آوری اطلاعات پرسشنامه و از مدل پروبیت چند گانه در برآورد مدل‌های رگرسیونی و تحلیل نتایج استفاده شده است. نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که 4/23 درصد دانش آموختگان در مشاغل دولتی و 1/34 درصد در بخش خصوصی مشغول به کار می‌باشند و مابقی 5/42 درصد دانش‌آموختگان نیز جویای‌کار هستند. متغیرهای جنسیت، میزان علاقه‌مندی در انتخاب رشته تحصیلی، میزان رضایت از رشته تحصیلی، ارزیابی از نقش سرمایه روی اشتغال و میزان مهارت‌های حرفه‌ای و آموزشی در زمان تحصیل از متغیرهای مهم و اثر گذار بر نوع اشتغال فارغ التحصیلان کشاورزی می‌باشند. ارائه تسهیلات با کارمزد پایین، جذب هدفمند دانشجویان مراکز، افزایش آگاهی و ارائه اطلاعات در زمان انتخاب رشته و کاربردی کردن آموزش‌ها در کنار تقویت مهارت‌های علمی و عملی از جمله راهکارهای افزایش اشتغال و ارزش افزوده در این بخش می‌باشد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Application of Multinomial Probit Model in Analyzing Factors Affecting the Occupation of Graduated Students from the University of Agricultural Applied-Science

نویسندگان [English]

  • H. Mohammadi
  • H. Rouhani

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

چکیده [English]

Introduction:Scientificand practicaltrainingwith an emphasis onoperation andapplication of what is taught and having an empiricalapproachto education isa more suitable approach for creating jobs. Preparation of educational needs of the agricultural sector by scientificand practicaltraining and providingemploymentin agreement with education and skills is one of the most important programs in order to achieve the objectives of comprehensive development of the country. An imbalance seems to exist between the processes and materials in university courses and the skills and abilities needed by the labor market and this is the most importantreason for the failureof the university graduatesin finding employment. This studyhas beendone for understandingthe type of jobof agricultural graduatesof training center of Jihad-e-Keshavarzi in Mashhad and the factor saffecting their employment.
Materials and Methods: This study is an applied research and the statistical population is 167 and includes all the students who had earned a Bachelor’s degree who had come to receive their graduation certificates in 2011. The dependent variable is type of job which includes five categories of employment in the public sector related to education, employ men unrelated to the government, employment related tothe privatesector andthe unemployed who were seeking workin the private sector. Independent variables includegender,quotainuniversityadmissions, the level of interestin thefield of study,satisfaction withthe discipline, evaluationand trainingof graduatesofvocational skillsacquired incollegegraduates'assessmentof thework culturein the societyand evaluation oflack ofcapitalas a factor preventingemployment in the academicfield. Information was collected through questionnaires and the multiple probit mode lwas used.
Results and discussion: The results ofthe survey showthatjobsof graduates are divided intofour categoriesincluding:Related to the field of study and governmental job (21%), non-related to field of study and governmental job (25.5%), related to field of study and private job (25.7), non-related to field of study and private job (8.4%), and 41.5% of graduates wereunemployed. 77% of the statistical population said that the cause of unemployment is lack of capital. The variables of professionalism and evaluation of work culture in the statistical population was intermediate. The model showed that gender, field of study choice based on the level of interest, satisfaction with the studies, andlack of capital as a barrier to employment, and evaluation of the educational and professional skills acquired during the studieshave a significantimpact on employment. The regression equation as a whole is significant. According to this, thelikelihoodof womenworkingingovernmentjobsand privateand non-private was lower than that of men. With increasinginterestin thefield of study,the possibility ofworkinginrelated and unrelatedprivate jobsincreased. By increasing thedegreeofsatisfaction, the possibility ofworkingingovernmentjobsincreased. The lack of funds for activities in the field of employment is one of the problems. Therefore, the more thelack of capitalto start andcontinueis highlighted, the more thetendency of people toget employed in a public officeand to avoidthe possibility ofsetting upprivate businesses is. Aboutthe possibility of working in unrelated government jobs, none of the variablesshoweda significant relationship. And the possibility ofworkinginprivatejobs, genderandlevel ofinterest inthe choiceof the field of studyshoweda significant relationship. Women are facing more difficulties than men in employmentin the agricultural sector.
Conclusion:Therisk ofunemploymentis higheramong womengraduates since the usual trend is to create better condition and motivations formale farmerswho live in villages. Also they should be given them some low-interest loans usingbank’s financialresources until economicactivitiesare undertaken by them according totheir knowledge. Moreover, the role of themotivations, creativity andinnovation, creatingvalue-addedproducts, and thefunctional andoperationaltraininginhigher education centersofagriculture must be emphasized.Thelack of capitalasa major obstaclein this fieldmust also beconsidered. Special attention should be to theeducational and professionalskillsacquiredin the schoolthat could result inself-employedjobsin the private sectorandevenself-employedjobs in the agricultural sector. Activating skill development centers andentrepreneurshipinthe applied sciencelearning centers must be aimed at providing aplaceof interaction anddialogue which canplay a constructive roleinthe futureemploymentof graduates,and theidentification oftalents too. Given that themajority ofgraduateshave suggested thatcareerguidance has not been provided for them, the role of such centersisalso of high importance.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Agricultural graduates
  • Job
  • Multinomial Probit model
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