Document Type : Research Article


1 University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

2 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Kanada


Present study simulated the economical and environmental (on soil erosion) impacts of four major trade and tax policies under different production situations in Iran. Then, the appropriate policy was chosen under different policy weights for environmental and economical factors. The purpose of giving these weights is to simulate a long-term plan in which weight of environmental factors is small in the beginning and increases gradually. Results show that in the early stages of such a plan that the importance of environmental factors is less than economical factors, the appropriate policy is Lowland Food Production Subsidy, and in the latest stages, when the importance of environmental factors is more than economical factors, Upland Food Production Subsidy is the appropriate policy. Therefore, in addition to suggestion of Lowland Food Production Subsidy for current situation of Iran, more investigation about the relationship between soil erosion and macroeconomic policies was proposed.
