نوع مقاله : مقالات پژوهشی


دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد شوشتر


در ادبیات اقتصادی خصوصی‌سازی و گذار به اقتصاد مبتنی بر بازار یکی از راه‌های افزایش کارایی است. لذا در این تحقیق به بررسی تاثیر مالکیت خصوصی بر کارایی واحدهای صنایع غذایی و آشامیدنی کشور پرداخته‌شده است. در مطالعه حاضر 19 زیربخش صنایع غذایی و آشامیدنی در سال مای 1392-1387 به‌عنوان جامعه آماری مدنظر قرارگرفته‌اند. در این تحقیق برای محاسبه کارایی از روش تحلیل فراگیر داده‌ها و برای برآورد الگوی اقتصادسنجی از رهیافت پانل دیتا پویا استفاده‌شده است. نتایج تحقیق نشان می‌دهد که افزایش مالکیت خصوصی در این زیربخش و حرکت در جهت خصوصی‌سازی می‌تواند عاملی در جهت افزایش کارایی این زیر بخش تلقی گردد. میانگین کارایی برای بخش صنایع غذایی و آشامیدنی کشور در حدود 70 درصد حاصل‌شده است که نشان می‌دهد این بخش امکان افزایش کارایی و دستیابی به ستانده مطلوب را به میزان 30 درصد دارا می‌باشد. نتایج حاکی از اثر مثبت و معنی‌دار سرمایه انسانی، صادرات، نوآوری و سیکل‌های تجاری بر کارایی واحدهای موردبررسی است. در مقابل متغیرهای اندازه، شاخص تمرکز و شدت مصرف انرژی اثر منفی و معنی‌داری بر کارایی واحدهای صنایع غذایی و آشامیدنی کشور داشته‌اند. با توجه به اثر مثبت خصوصی‌سازی بر کارایی، پیشنهاد می‌گردد این سیاست که درواقع یک سیاست رقابتی است به‌منظور افزایش کارایی در زیربخش صنایع غذایی و آشامیدنی کشور با شتاب بیشتری موردنظر قرار گیرد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The Effect of Private Ownership on the Efficiency of the Country's Food and Beverage (Dynamic Panel Data Approach)

نویسندگان [English]

  • H. Matrodi
  • M. Aghapour sabbaghi


چکیده [English]

Introduction The agro-processing industry in agriculture sector because of in the global context, participation in regional and international markets and joining the WTO, has particular importance. With increasing demand for production and resource constraints in this subsection, The importance of efficient use of resources and improve the efficiency of production is determined more than ever before. In these situations, optimal use of resources can be a necessary condition for the development of various agricultural sectors such as food and beverage be considered so that section, in addition means to responding to the increasing needs of food products to do well its duties in the economic development. On the one hand In recent years the privatization of state-owned companies not only as a means of economic restructuring, and competition is increasing, but the necessary infrastructure to increase efficiency and is to promote economic efficiency. Therefore, at Present study With Emphasis on kind of ownership survey of efficiency and and factors affecting that in Food & Beverage sector be considered.
Materials and Methods At present Study 19 subsection of Food & Beverage at 2009-2014 considered as Statistics Society. In order to calculate the efficiency of the review of data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used. Capital, labor and energy are the inputs and outputs is the output. In order to estimate the econometric model dynamic panel data approach used. The information for this research, from statistics of 10 person and more in ministry industry collected.
Results and Discussion The results showed that the rise of private property in the subdivision and the move towards privatization can be a factor considered in order to increase the efficiency of this subsection.
The average efficiency for about 70 percent of the country's food and drink industry is showing that it is possible to increase efficiency and achieve optimum output rate until 30%. 4 sector involve producing animal and herbal oil and fat, slaughter livestock and poultry, dairy produce and tea have the perfect performance. Another important point of this research is the more distinction between efficiency in the subsectors . Achieved 0.95 for average returns to scale industries show the decreasing returns to scale in the food and beverage sub-sector. The results showed a positive and significant effect of human capital, exports, innovation and business cycles on the efficiency. In contrast, variables, index and energy intensity and commercial focus are significant and negative effect on the efficiency of the food and beverage sectors.
Due to the positive impact of privatization on performance, it is recommended that this policy is actually a competition policy in order to increase the efficiency of the subdivision food and beverage countries to be accelerated. Supporting of the private sector by means of fiscal and monetary management, pay more attention to assignment state-owned company, as well as monitoring after the privatization, the continuation of the implementation of the policy basis of 44 law of the competitive conditions and legislative transparency are the this study recommends .Motivate and suit conditions for continuing education of industry employees, implementation of scientific and practical training for them, enhancing the quality of education given to the students associated with this industry and created needed fit with market needs to an increase in human capital will increase the sector efficiency. Due to decreasing returns to scale in the industry, support of small businesses in the sector and lending to micro producer recommend to increase the efficiency. Due to the export positive effect on the performance proposed by encouraging exports, facilitate the export process, provide advice to exporters or identify new markets and new comparative advantages in the production of Food and Beverage higher level of interaction with the global economy design for rising industry performance is under consideration. Use of a new technology on the world in terms of production, delivery and in-service training in order to increase the level of production technique as well as increasing the share of spending on research and development in order to increase the level of staff's technical knowledge can suggestions in order to increase the efficiency of the industry. The results show that with the moving food and beverage industry toward monopoly space, reduced efficiency in the industry.Therefore, it is suggested that industrial policy be developed in order to increase competition. Physical preparation and presentation facilities in order to increase the possibility of free entry to the industry in order to reduce among other recommendations of this study in order to increase the efficiency of this unit. Industry restructuring and the establishment of a factory for optimum use of energy resources in order to save energy, new manufacturing techniques to reduce energy intensity and use international experiences in the energy efficiency to increase efficiency in the food and beverage industry are ways to increase efficiency.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Data Envelopment Analysis
  • Privatization
  • Return to scale
  • Panel Data
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