نوع مقاله : مقالات پژوهشی


دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد


انتشار گازهای گلخانه‌ای و اثرات آن بر گرمایش جهانی یکی از چالش‌های جدی کشورهای توسعه‌یافته و درحال‌توسعه محسوب می‌شود. بر اساس پیمان کیوتو، کشورهای مختلف موظف به محاسبه و اعلام میزان انتشار گازهای گلخانه‌ای شدند. بررسی میزان انتشار گازهای گلخانه‌ای کشورهای مختلف این امکان را فراهم می‌آورد تا ضمن ارائه تصویری از سهم کشورها در تولید گازهای گلخانه‌ای، جایگاه ایران نیز در این مجموعه مشخص شود. این مقاله تلاش دارد تا میزان و ارزش انتشار گازهای گلخانه‌ای اکسید نیتروس (N2O) و دی‌اکسید کربن (CO2) حاصل از دانه های روغنی تولیدی منتخب در ایران (سویا، کلزا، ذرت دانه ای و سایر دانه های روغنی) را با استفاده از مدل GHGE، برای سال زراعی 91-90 برآورد نماید. نتایج نشان داد استان‌های خوزستان و زنجان به ترتیب، با تولید سالانه 49/341 و 004/0 تن، بیش ترین و کم ترین میزان تولید گاز گلخانه‌ای N2O را در سطح کشور دارا می‌باشند. همچنین استان‌های گلستان و هرمزگان نیز به ترتیب، با تولید سالانه 47/7841 و 24/0 تن دی‌اکسید کربن بیش ترین و کم ترین میزان تولید گاز گلخانه‌ای CO2 را به خود اختصاص داده‌اند. مجموع هزینه‌های انتشار گازهای گلخانه‌ای N2O و CO2 کل کشور نیز حدود 331/27 میلیارد ریال برآورد گردید. باتوجه به یافته ها، اصلاح و تغییر شیوه‌های مدیریتی کشاورزی نسبت به سطح زیرکشت محصولات زراعی، مدیریت و افزایش کارایی کودهای ازته مصرفی در مزارع و توسعه سیاست‌های کاهش میزان انتشار به‌همراه مالیات زیست-محیطی انتشار گازهای گلخانه ای به سیاست‌گذاران این عرصه پیشنهاد شد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Estimating the Economic Value of Greenhouse Gases Emissions of Oilseeds in Iran

نویسندگان [English]

  • M. Jamalipor
  • M. Ghorbani
  • A.R. Koocheki

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

چکیده [English]

Introduction: Human life on earth depends on temperature range control due to the effects of greenhouse gases. Earth atmosphere plays an important role to prevent the decrease of temperature. One of the principal factors of environmental pollution and the main source of earth climate and biodiversity changes is greenhouse gas emissions from various sources, particularly agricultural sector. Agriculture sector is a major source of greenhouse gas sequestration, including methane, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, and nitric oxide. One of the most important sub-sector of agriculture that produce greenhouse gases is agronomy. Nitrous oxide is one of the most important greenhouse gas and agriculture is the largest source. About 70 percent of N2O emitted into the atmosphere from soil, obtained from biomass. The total cultivation of oilseeds i.e. soybean, canola, corn for grain and other oilseeds, is equal to 534,132 hectares.
Materials and Methods: In this study to measure emissions of CO2 and N2O, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Model (GHGEM) was used. This model was employed to estimate greenhouse gas emissions from activities directly and indirectly related to agriculture production and the effects of mitigation measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To estimate the total production of N2O and CO2 in the agricultural ecosystem, 2011-12 crop year data reported by the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture has been used. In addition, the provinces divided into different classes based on the scale of production and emissions and their condition through means comparison test was examined.
Results and Discussion: The total amount of N2O and CO2 emissions from cereal crops including soybean, canola, corn for grain and other oilseeds was estimated. Khuzestan and Zanjan provinces, with an annual production 341.49 and 0.004 ton of N2O emission are the highest and lowest N2O producers, respectively. In addition, the Golestan and Hormozgan provinces respectively, with an annual production 7841.47 and 0.24 ton of CO2 have the highest and lowest annual production of CO2 emissions. Based on the results, Khuzestan province has the largest share of emissions from oilseeds. In other words, this province has about 26 percent of N2O and 24 percent of CO2 emissions. Total of N2O and CO2 emissions from the Iran’s oilseeds farms, was estimated equivalent 1330 and 32170 ton, respectively. However, Khuzestan with production equal 8183 tons of N2O and CO2 is the largest producers of greenhouse gas N2O and CO2 in Iran. Khuzestan province has the most environmental costs caused by N2O and CO2 emissions. The environmental cost of N2O and CO2 release in this province was estimated, approximately 16000 and 36290 US$ (or 0.552 and 1.252 billion rials), respectively. In other words, the Khuzestan province has the largest share of creation this pollution, with a share of about 25 percent of greenhouse gas emissions under review, caused by the production of such pollutants. Minimum environmental costs of N2O and CO2 emissions are to the Zanjan province. Total environmental costs of N2O and CO2 emissions was estimated about 211,333 US$ (7.291 billion rials).
Discussion: In this study, according to the agricultural activities diversity and greenhouse gas emission of these activities, it estimated the greenhouse gas emission CO2 and N2O from the oilseeds farms i.e. soybean, canola, corn for grain and other oilseeds, under the crop production. Results showed that the most important factor of N2O and CO2 emissions of the crops production activities is crops cultivation. However, due to the influence of variables such as the use of nitrogen fertilizers, crops residue remaining of products on the farms and annual fallow of N2O and CO2 emissions in production of oilseeds, using the modern farm management strategies, management and increase the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers that use on the farms and development the emission reduction policies such as carbon sequestration was proposed to the decision makers. Cultivation of oilseeds is the main source of greenhouse gas of N2O and CO2 emissions, environment tax of greenhouse gas emission on level of production in compensation environmental costs due to the release of such pollutants can be useful.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Greenhouse Gases
  • Nitrous Oxide
  • Oilseeds
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