Document Type : Research Article


1 North Khorasan of Agricultural and Natural Resource Research Center

2 Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Agricultural Industry Expert of North Khorasan Agriculture Jahad Organization


In order to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of horticulture processing industries in North Khorasan province, this study was used in the analysis of strategic factors approach. Required information through interviews and questionnaires completed by 20 people of professional management and agricultural industries, horticulture experts and owners horticulture processing industries in province in 2012 Were collected. The results showed that horticulture raw materials over of capacity agricultural processing industries with weight (0.014316) and the final score (0.05) is as the most important strengths factor in the formation and development of horticulture processing industries. Non-use horticulture processing industries of research and development unit based on entropy measure with weight (0.02365), and the final score (0.05), as the most important factor affecting the formation and development of horticulture processing industries Was diagnosed. Ability to attract foreign investment in the horticulture industry as a major opportunity for the formation and development of horticulture processing industries with weight (0.148058) and the final score (0.4) and instability in planning production horticultural crops by farmers with weight (0.205475) and the final score (0.4) as the most serious threat to the formation and development of horticulture processing industries of North Khorasan has been evaluated. According to the results, the fridge development of appropriate with measurement of horticultural production in order to needs of existing industries and the reduction of waste and improving research and development units in the horticulture processing industries in order to competitiveness further enhance the of the horticultural industries of the province with neighboring provinces horticultural industries, as horticulture processing industries strategies have been introduced.
