Document Type : Research Article


Agricultural Economics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


Agriculture activity is obvious type of unsafely and risky activities that this part had dealt with lack of trast about amount of production and price as unpleasant atmosphere phenomona, calamities, kind of plant diseases and change in prices. Insurance is one of important cases for decreasing risk in agriculture. The main of this research is consideration crop insurance’s affect on optimum cultivation pattern and gross profit for farmers. So changing in region optimum cultivation pattern was cheched by management model which comes along Hazel risk that is based on Motad method in different cases. The data was collected by randomization path and filling 360 survey directly in 2009 and also referencing to Organization Agricultural, Agricultural Bank, Agricultural Insurance and Regional Water Corporation for 2002-2008. results of this survey showed that using insurance could increase productions and gross profit in this area.

Keywords : Insurance, Cultivation pattern, Gross profit