Document Type : Research Article


1 Economic Faculty Department, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Economic Department, Iranian Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR) Mashhad


This study has been investigated viewpoint of border cooperative society members of their activities in Khorasan Razavi, first step was evaluated satisfaction's member of performance indicators cooperatives, Next step each of the indicators were prioritized according to members satisfaction using entropy method. Finally, the results of these two methods have been compared together. Data are obtained from 382 questionnaires which were completed by border cooperative society's members in 2008. Results showed satisfaction's member of economic indicators has been at a lower level compared to other functional aspects of cooperative. However, maximum satisfaction is for directorial performance of these cooperative. Ranking results using entropy method has confirmed results of CSM method. Finally, recommendations to improve performance of these cooperative Societies were supplied.

JEL: F13, F19, J54, R11

Keywords: Borders cooperative Society, Khorasan Razavi, Satisfaction