Document Type : Research Article


Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Shiraz University


Soil nutrient management with efficient fertilizer use has an important role on maximizing yield and environmental effects. In this study game theory is applied to identify the nutrient proportion for corn production in Kooshkak in Fars province, Iran, in 2008-2009. Cost of fertilizer combinations and production of corn are the players of the game. A goal programming was applied to obtain the optimum fertilizer combination and then these combinations were used as payoffs of the game analysis. Based on the maxi-min criteria, the fertilizer combination of 395.07 kg/ha, was found as game solution, including 395.30kg/ha of nitrogen, 195.60 kg/ha of Super Phosphate and the mentioned combination of fertilizers contains 1050000 rials/ha and the yield is 102000 kg/ha.

Keywords: Game theory, Soil nutrient, Goal programming, Corn