Document Type : Research Article


Agricultural Economics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz


The object of this study was to investigate growth sources of agronomic products in Iran. To achive our object, we used Fan's Frontier Production Function approach, which includes input changes, technical changes and institutional changes. The study conducted for the period between 1977 and 2011 years. Results of ADF test showed that all variables were integrated of order one. In addition, Johansen’s cointegration test indicated that there are at least two cointegration vectors between these variables. Furthermore, outcomes of analysing growth sources of agronomic products indicated that annual growth of agronomic products has been 3.41% , of which 85.9% has been due to increasing the physical inputs including machinery, labor, land and chemical fertilizer with the shares of 39.58%, 26.97%, 11.14% and 0.17%, respectively. Moreover, the shares of the technical changes and the institutional changes in the annual growth of agronomic products were about 8% and 6%, respectively. Considering the highest share of physical inputs in the growth of agronomic products, policies and strategies for increasing the productivity of inputs are recommended.
