Document Type : Research Article


1 College of Agriculture University of Tabriz

2 Tabriat Modares University


Non-petroleum export expansion and export revenues diversification are some vital steps to reduce Iran’s development goals injuries. As for the importance of Iranian pistachios in its non-petroleum exports, the present study determines the comparative advantages and the global exports market structure of pistachios for 2002-2006. To calculate the comparative advantages of pistachios exporting countries, two indices, i.e., the Revealed Comparative Advantages (RCA) and the Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage were worked out. To find out the global exports market structure of pistachio the Herfindahl and Concentration ratio indices were worked out. The Results exposed that among pistachio’s exporting countries Luxembourg, USA, Syria, Netherlands, Cyprus, Slovakia, Greece and Jordan had comparative advantages. This shows an existing wide gap of Iranian comparative advantages indices as compared with that of others. Besides of that, the Iran’s comparative advantage in pistachio export was declining through the period. As regards with concentration, Iran was the dominant firm in global markets and owed 60 percent of market share, but its export prices were not desirable. To reinforce and stabilize the (RCA) of Iranian pistachios, more export differentiation policies and dwindling of market concentration based on a few external markets are recommended.

Keywords: Comparative Advantage, Export, Market Structure, Pistachio