Document Type : Research Article


Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zabol


In farming activities, various resources and inputs are utilized to produce agricultural products.. One of the most important goals of agricultural managers and programmers is to assess the optimal resource allocation for designing an appropriate cultivation pattern. Mathematical programming is a common approach to achieve the optimal pattern. In this study, the two approaches of Fuzzy De-Novo and De-Novo programming are first described, and later their applications in determining the optimal cultivation pattern is discussed. The study was conducted in 2009-2010. Using the random sampling technique, 127 farmers of Sabzevar city were selected and interviewed in person. The data collection was based on completing questionnaires. Results showed that farmers in the three groups of the small farms (less than 6.5 hectare), the medium farms (high than 6.5 and less than 13 hectare) and the large farms (high than 13 hectare) can increase the level of the impure efficiency and can make the resource utilization more efficient by changing their present cultivation patterns. using proper cultivation patterns.

JEL Classification: C61,Q21
