Document Type : Research Article


1 Agricultural Economics, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht Branch

2 Agricultural Economics & Member of Young Research Club, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht Branch


In present study, it has been studied to oprimize culture pattern in water consumption reduction and increase in income by use of collected data from KAZEROON agriculture organization and forign commercial statistical annals and use of linear planning model due to simplicity and lts application, and to apply in water resources management. The purpose of this study had been to edit one planning model about water resources in order to determine suitable culture pattern, to optimum utilize superficial and underground water resources, and how to devote water between cultivar plants, so that it is minimized the bad effects of drought. It was used this model to determine optimum culture combination- the most suitable utilization pattern from existing resources- and to optimume devot it between various plants and at tast the benefit resulting from cultivation by using linear planning model and by choosing target function and existing constraints introduction. This model was performed for five five-years periods regarding gradual changes. Generally, the obtained results showed that changes in culture pattern with respect to reduce harvest from under-ground water resources have increasingly trend about resulting net incomes. So that, it has reached from $ 405 billion in 2011 to $ 453 billon in2031 . the use of culture optimum pattern had been effective, so that 17.5 percent of rural people locate above pouerty line using culture optimum pattern. These could be suitable strategies to increase in function and decrease in production expenses for culture efficacity in kazeroon region.

Keywords: Culture pattern, Optimization, Water resources, Water tension, Under-ground water- poverty indices, Mathematical planning