Document Type : Research Article-en


1 Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Department of Agricultural Economics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.


This research was conducted to investigate the motivations and attitudes of consumers to choose chocolate and their effects on purchase intention. For this purpose, the effects of health variables, mood, weight control, chocoholism, sensory, packing, price, and brand trust on the purchase intention of chocolate have been investigated using the structural equation model. The results of this research indicate that only the variable of mood has a positive and significant effect on chocoholism. Additionally, the variables of brand trust, packaging, and price have a positive, direct, and significant impact on the intention to purchase chocolate. Mood and packaging stood out with a notable difference, indicating that these two factors are especially important from the consumer’s perspective. Furthermore, attractive packaging has the ability to attract the attention of consumers and convey important information about the product, including taste, ingredients, and nutritional value. Also, most consumers buy chocolate products from their trusted brands, so in this case, famous and reliable brands usually have an advantage, price sensitivity is different in consumer groups. These factors are often interrelated and their importance may vary depending on individual preferences, demographics, and market trends.


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