Document Type : Research Article


1 Deportment of Iranian Academic Centre for Education, Culture and Research – Mashhad

2 Agricultural economic, Agricultural Faculty. Ferdowsi university


Agricultural research and promotion are factors of the same system that activity in different organizations framework and have common marginal goal. Therefore, The Joining between research and promotion is important. Both activities are very important, therefore the investment in one part should not have had effect in other part. Therefore, total Goal of this study, is consideration of Substitution or supplementary relation between investment in agricultural research and promotion. Therefore, The Productivity model was used; also, Total Factor Productivity was calculated with Tornquist – Theil indicator. Data was collective from different sources, during 1979-2004. The Results was shown one percent increasing in agricultural research investment, increases total factor productivity 0.080974 percent. Also 1 percent increase in promotion investment; increases total factor productivity 0.038398 percent. The variable of interaction between research and promotion has had significant with negative mark. To become negative this variable shows the both of these variable effect with total factor productivity and these are substitution, the reason is lack of research and promotion budgets in agricultural section.

Keywords: Total Factors Productivity- Research- Promotion- Tornquist-theil - Agricultural sector- Iran