Document Type : Research Article


1 Agricultural Economics Department, College of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Higher Education, Kheradgerayan Motahar Institute


The chemical inputs threat the health of water, soil and organisms. Thus, it is essential to encourage farmers to produce products with minimum use of chemical inputs. Using the ordered logit model and a cross sectional data of 186 producers in 2012, this study attempted at investigating influential factors on willingness to accept (WTA) of Khorasan Razavi province farmers to produce greenhouse organic Cucumber (GOC) than the traditional product. The results showed that over 80 percent of farmers believe that the price of organic product should be at least 10 percent more than the traditional product price. Moreover, the relationship between WTA for producing GOC and some factors including cultivated area, applying advices from agricultural advisors, product insurance, average current yield of traditional Cucumber and acknowledge about international market of organic product is positive and significant. Considering the results, developing training and extension programs on the use of organic product, granting financial facilities and awards to organic product producers and insurance adjustment to reduce risk and increase agricultural production are recommended.
