Document Type : Research Article


1 Agricultural Economics, Zabol University

2 Agricultural Economics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Analyzing the efficiency of agricultural productions plays an important role in raising their productions and performances without spending extra cost. In this studyThis study evaluated were the interval evaluated e fficiency and no efficiency of interval for greenhouseof greenhouse cucumber producers somefor some subsectors of Sistan region. This research was doneThe study conducted on the basisbased on the approach of of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The , and data and information were collected in the year of 2009 by the two organizations of Jihad via Agriculture Department,and Agriculture Bank. The two organizations attempted at and ccompleting 42 questionnaires by responded by greenhouse cucumber farmers. The results showed that the average interval efficiency average set of interval )was between 0.033, and 0.908( . Amount ofThe average technical efficiency average iswas 0.954. Of the total data, and from total of data about 53.33% of them have efficiency equal to 1. The most highest and the lowest efficiency is was 100% and 0.846 respectively. This subjectThe results indicate that showed thatprograms aimed at improving with increasing ffarmer’ss’ technical efficiency suchefficiency, such as performance of educational classes, we can increasecauses the production to increase and decrease the expenses to decrease without many changes in at the level of technology and used resourcesresource inputs.
