Document Type : Research Article


Department of Agricultural Extension & Education, Department of Agricultural Extension & Education, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tehran


Food security in Iran has closely relation with wheat and flour and its waste. The study of food pattern in the Iran provinces shows that bread is the major source of calorie and protein in the country daily diet. The main purpose of this study was to analyze factors, affecting bread wastes in the Bahar county in the Hamedan province. The research was conducted based on the applied-descriptive. Data were collected by survey method and questionnaire. The research instrument was questionnaires that validity was confirmed by a panel of faculty members. Reliability was measured by Cronbachs' alpha. The coefficient at α=0.78 was considered acceptable. Using random sampling , the sample size was measured 150 based on the Cochran formula. SPSS16 software and factor analysis method was used for data analyzing. According to the findings of descriptive analysis, factors such as weak monitoring in the bakeries, low price of flour and low skill and experiences of workers were the major causes of bread wastes. Also results of factor analysis were extract five factors affecting on bread waste. The realized factors were technical factor related to production and bake, cultural factor, economical factor, consuming factor and governmental factor that explained 62 percentage of variation of waste. The study findings are useful to design appropriate strategies aimed at reducing bread wastes.
