Document Type : Research Article


Agricultural Economics, University Collage of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Tehran


The purpose of this study is to examine the economic impacts of developing and introducing almond late flowering cultivars during 1968 to 2019 years in Iran, which developed in Sahand horticultural research station using the economic surplus model and field and time series data. The estimation of shift parameter identifies that almond late flowering cultivars make almond supply curve move less to the left in the chilling case. Moreover, it lead to changes in the economic surplus of both producers and consumers. Results show that the almond late flowering cultivars caused to economic surplus of producers and consumers increase around 8.09 and 11.27 billion Rials, respectively. In this context, the share of consumers from benefits was 58 percent. Regarding to the cost of research and extension, the social net present value of investment in developing and introducing of almond late flowering cultivars was about 10.7 billion Rials. It was also idicated that the internal rate of return of this investment had been about 15 percent.

Keywords: Economic surplus model, Internal rate of return, Sahand horticultural research station, Chilling