Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Shiraz university


Due to limitation of available water and soil resources in Iran, the challenge of optimizing the utilization of these resources has become more significant. One of the solutions to the economic, planning and optimization of water use and achieve the optimum level of water use is associated with improved farming activities and this is the most important agricultural research needs. The study of price and yield time series data between 1999-2009 and questionnaire data (2010-2011) of the plains Kavar in Fars province, has used and determine the optimal amount of water for agricultural cultivation pattern and using mathematical programming models considered. The results show that the maximum profit with the goal of maximizing utility, make more profit, but it is also more water consumption. Also, water consumption and utilization inversely with risk averse farmer is not using all of their water resources.
