نوع مقاله : مقالات پژوهشی


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2 دانشگاه بوعلی سینا همدان

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هدف تحقیق حاضر، شناسایی و تبیین استلزامات کارکردی نظام نوآوری فناورانه کشاورزی است. این تحقیق از نظر دیدمان، در قالب روش آمیخته اکتشافی با رویکرد دوفازی اتصال داده‌های کیفی به کمی است. جامعه آماری بخش کیفی مشتمل بر اعضای اصلی کمیته‌های فناوری‌های نانو و بیو وزارت جهاد کشاورزی (35 نفر) می‌باشد که با استفاده از تکنیک نمونه‌گیری هدفمند، از 12 نفر مصاحبه به عمل آمد و در بخش کمی مشتمل بر اعضای کمیته‌های تحقیقاتی فناوری‌های نانو و بیو بخش کشاورزی (117 نفر) می‌باشد که تماماً مورد سرشماری قرار گرفتند. جهت تحقق روایی و پایایی بخش کیفی تحقیق از تکنیک سه‌بعدی نگری و در بخش کمی، از آزمون آلفای کرونباخ و نظرات تخصصی کارشناسان و متخصصان موضوعی استفاده شد. پس از اکتشاف 30 عامل فرعی در قالب 7 عامل اصلی حاصل از بخش کیفی تحقیق با استفاده از نرم‌افزار Atlas.ti5.2 (استلزامات تحقیقاتی- توسعه‌ای، استلزامات نهادی- ساختاری، استلزامات قانونی و سیاست‌گذاری، استلزامات مربوط به کسب‌ و کار و بازار، استلزامات نوآورانه- فناورانه، استلزامات مالی- اعتباری و استلزامات ترویجی- آموزشی) درنهایت در بخش کمی تحقیق با استفاده از نرم‌افزارهای SPSS و LISREL، نسبت به اندازه‌گیری و تأیید میزان تبیین واریانس کل از سوی عوامل شناسایی‌شده اقدام گردید. نتایج نشان داد که 7 عامل ذکرشده در حدود 35/78 درصد از واریانس کل استلزامات کارکردی نظام نوآوری فناورانه کشاورزی را تبیین می‌نمایند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Identifying and Explaining Functional Implications of Agricultural Technological Innovation System

نویسندگان [English]

  • R. Maghable 1
  • K. Naderi Mahdei 2
  • A. Yaghoubi Farani 2
  • M. Mohammadi 3

1 Buali-Sina Hamadan

2 Buali-Sina Hamadan

3 Department of Technology Management, University of Tehran

چکیده [English]

Introduction: There is a strong need to influence both speed and direction of innovation and technological change in agriculture. An Agricultural Technological Innovation System (ATIS) is a collaborative arrangement bringing together several organizations working toward innovational-technological, managerial, organizational, and institutional change in agriculture. The purpose of this study was to identify and explain functional implicationsaffecting the development of the agricultural technological innovation system.
Materials and Methods: This research paradigm was in the form of exploratory phase mixed method with qualitative to quantitative data connection approach. The statistical sample of the qualitative section, consists key members of the nanotechnology and biotechnology committees of Ministry of Agriculture-jihad (35 people) which 12 persons were interviewed by using purposive sampling technique, and quantitative section of research consists the members of nanotechnology and biotechnology of agricultural sector committees (117 people), which were all enumerated. To achieve the reliability and validity of the qualitative section of research three-dimensional vision technique wasused. And at the quantitative section, Cronbach's alpha test and opinions of subject experts were used. Cronbach’s alpha and ordinal theta were 0.78 and 0.89, respectively.
Results and Discussion: After the discovery of 30 subsidiary elements in form of 7 main factors achieved from a qualitative section of research using Atlas.ti5.2 software (research-development implications, Institutional-Structural implications, Legal-policy implications, business-marketing implications, innovational-technological implications, credit- financial implications, extensional - educational implications), finally, at the quantitative section of research using SPSS, the total variance explaining by the identified factors, measured. According to the results of exploratory factor analysis, research – developmentimplications, explained the 17.23% of the total variance the functional implications of agricultural technological innovation system development. This research finding was consistent with researchers results of Abdi and Hassanzadeh (2), Farshad et al. (10) and Sharifzadeh et al. (24). Legal - policy implicationswas the second factor with 15.58% of the explained variance the implications of the development of agricultural technological innovation system. This research finding was consistent with the results of researches were carried out by Temel et al.(25), Bergek et al. (4), Hekkert and Negro (12), Abdi and Hasanzadeh (2), Meigounpoory et al. (19), Farshadet al. (10) and Sharifzadeh et al. (24).Business -marketing implicationsis composed of variables likerisk decrease on investment in agricultural businesses, Price balance of agricultural products (increase or decrease cost of production because of the lack of proper cultivation, increase cost of production inputs and tensions in the global rate of products) and scientific management in the agricultural production farmlands with 12.32 percent of explained variance the implications of agricultural technological innovation development as the third important factor was classified. This section of findings was in agreement with research’s results of Temel et al. (25), Cristina and Patarapong (8), Negro et al. (21), Momeni and Alizadeh (20), Abdi and Hasanzadeh (2) and Meigounpoory et al. (19). Institutional - structural implications werethe fourth factor of the implications of development of agricultural technological innovation, which explained 10.68 percent of total variance. This finding of the study was consistent with the results of research Cristina and Patarapong (8), Negro et al. (21), Momeni and Alizadeh (20), Meigounpoory et al. (19), Farshad et al. (10), Sharifzadeh et al.(24 ). Innovative - technical implications as the fifth factor of the implications of agricultural technological innovation development with important variables like proportionment between technological innovation and the needs of farmers demand and the predicate the impact of events on technological innovations such as climate change explained 8.21% of the total variance that this finding was consistent with research results of Farshad et al. (10), Sharifzadeh et al. (24).Extensional - educational implicationswereclassified as the last of the implications to technological innovation system for agricultural development that this finding matches with the results of Hekkert and Negro (21) and Momeni and Alizadeh (20).
Conclusions: The results showed that 7 of the mentioned factors, explained at about 78.35% of the total variance of functional implications affecting the development of agricultural technological innovation system. To verify the structure validity of a questionnaire and fitness of model to measurement the functional implicationsimportance of agricultural technological innovation system development, collected data analyzed by the software of LISRELwin8.8 through confirmatory factor analysis that the results of various fitness indicators showed that the model is based on an acceptable level (df/x2=1.785, Goodness of Fit Index=0.93, Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index=0.96, Comparative Fit Index=0.93, Incremental Fit Index=0.95, Root Mean square Residual=0.06, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation=0.056).

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • development
  • policy
  • Agriculture
  • Institution
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