Document Type : Research Article


College of Agriculture Isfahan University Technology


The major aim of this study is appraising the rate of rural entrepreneur's success in Isfahan province. The techniques of survey research such as direct observation and interviewing as well as structured questionnaire have been used for gathering appropriate data. For analyzing of the data Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Factor Analysis were applied. After primary study, based on the defined factors (indicators and indexes) 65 entrepreneurs were identified. Softwares, which have been used in this survey, are SPSS (the 11.5 version), Expert choice and Excel. Results showed that Innovation, establishment of internal units and the growth indicators can assess the rate of rural Entrepreneurs' success clearly. Also 80 percent of the rural Entrepreneurs in this survey have been allocated the middle to high successful rate.

Key words: Rural entrepreneurs, success, Multiple Attribute Analysis, Analytical Hierarchical Analysis (AHP), Factor analysis