Document Type : Research Article


1 Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Planning, Economic and Rural Development Research Institute

2 Agricultural Economics, Payame Noor University (PNU), Karaj


The main aim of the paper is to determine the marketing efficiency of poultry industry in Karaj. In this research the marketing margin and the marketing efficiency of poultry market in different level of the market in Karaj was calculated. The results showed that slaughter houses gain the main part of marketing margin and marking profit. The share of slaughter house was more that 50 percent. The results also indicated that the share of producers from marketing profit was less than 10 percent. Whereas the ratio of producer price to consumer price was 68 percent. This implies that the production cost is relatively high. Market efficiency was also computed and it was less than one. This means that chicken meat market is operating inefficiently. It was suggested that some policy issues should be taken to improve market efficiency.

Keywords: Marketing Margin, Efficiency of Marketing System, Karaj, Iran