Document Type : Research Article
1 Agricultural Extension & Education Department, Tarbiat Modares University
2 Agricultural Extension & Education Department, Tarbiat Modares University
The overall purpose in this study was to investigate extensional- educational factors that influencing on transgenic plants usage. The research design of the study was a survey utilizing descriptive-correlation technique. The target population consisted of 85 biotechnology experts at research institutes of Tehran province which were studied by a census study (N=85). Finally 63 experts were answered the questionnaire. A questionnaire was designed as a data gathering instrument. The instrument content validity was achieved by a panel of agricultural extension and education and biotechnology experts. A reliability analysis of questionnaire was conducted by a pilot test and a Cronbach’s alpha values were obtained ranging 0.83-0.92 for various parts of the questionnaire. Descriptive findings indicated that using of mass media (radio & TV) were very important and using of sample garden or fields were less important about transgenic plants usage. The results of compare means tests showed that executive position and education course been effective on transgenic plants usage at .01 and .05 respectively. The results of bivariate correlation test showed that statistical there was a positive and significant correlation between relations with extension experts (p=.0l), mass media (radio & TV) (p=.0l), scientific grade (p=.05) and transgenic plants usage. The result of the multivariate linear regression indicated that 53.2% (R2=0.532) of the variance in transgenic plants usage could be explained by the relations with extension experts, mass media and scientific grade.
Keywords: Extensional- educational factors, Transgenic Plants Usage, Biotechnology Experts
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