Document Type : Research Article


Economic Department Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


This study is intended to investigate the level of public-private cooperation in the process of agricultural development from the view point of potential investors and producers. To achieve this objective we used an adjusted Jensen model as a conceptual framework for cooperation. In this process mutual responsibilities is provided to reveal different dimensions of strategic cooperation between public-private institutions for the purpose of removing production and investment bottlenecks. Moreover, a questionnaire was distributed among population of managers and key staffs of firms with 10-50 labor force in agricultural sector of North Khorasan province in the cities of Bojnourd, Shirvan and Esfarayen. Results indicate that weak mutual commitment and cooperation between public-private institutions lead over expectations of private sector from the government institutions in all key strategic elements associated with removing production and investment bottlenecks and the operational plans. Furthermore over expectations from the government was strong for providing investment strategic services, compared with providing production strategic services.

JEL: E23, E22, H11, L33
