Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Agricultural Economics- Shiraz university-Shiraz-Iran

2 Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


A quantitative framework of combination of liner programming and cooperative game theory was used in this study to analyze and model cooperative contracts in production based on rural households' resources cooperation in Firoozabad plain. Revenues and costs in cooperation game theory have important rule to get agreement. Transaction cost function was used in cooperative costs accounting for moral hazard, contract costs and supervision of performance. Gross margin and individual cultivation plan for each case was calculated assuming that farmers who are individually cultivating can cooperate in various types. Results showed that farmers' benefit increased as a result of cooperation. Furthermore, farmers' benefit is expected to go up due to increase in the number of cooperative groups.

Keywords: Cooperative game, Linear programming, Firoozabad plain, Game theory, Transaction cost