Document Type : Research Article


Agricultural Economics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran


Considerable consequence of households’ consumption expenditure changes is on energy using in agricultural sector and in other economical sectors. The main objective of this paper was to study of consequences increasing rural and urban households expenditures on changing of energy using in agricultural sector and on producing of environmental pollutants in Khorasan Razavi province. For this purpose, we used input-output tables of 2001 as a base data which was updated for 2007 in Khorasan Razavi province by using RAS method. In this paper, the consequences of increasing households' expenditure on energy using and also producing of environmental pollutants were studied in 6 scenarios. The results showed that in constant conditions, 10% increase in urban households’ expenditure causes 2.74% increase in energy using in agricultural sectors and also causes 7.32% increase in energy using in other sectors. While 10% increase in rural households’ expenditure causes 0.921% increase in energy using in agricultural sectors and causes 2.12% increase in energy using in other sectors. Also in constant conditions, 10% increase in urban households’ expenditure cause 1.07% increase in energy using in agricultural sector and also causes 0.02% increase in energy using in other sectors, while about rural households 10% increase in consumption’s expenditure causes 0.43% increase in energy consumption in agricultural sector and causes 0.04% increase in other sectors. The results showed that the consequences of changing of urban household expenditure on energy using in agricultural sector is more than the consequences of changing of rural households’ expenditure. Also the increase of households’ expenditure about agricultural products has little effects on total energy using of province. The results also showed the effect of increasing province households’ expenditure on increasing of producing CO2 pollutant; that the increasing of CO2 pollutant was considerably more than increasing of other pollutants. Producing of SO3 and CH4 were little; that referred to energy using systems in agricultural sector.
